Signed in as:
We have successfully & safely been promoting shows for 9 years. What started as a bet, has grown into something fabulous.....A Community, A Family!
We offer well attended juried shows using great communication and astonishing marketing!
Jody is the ONLY contact for GNE Events. Please do not fall prey to social media comments regarding show openings or tickets for sale from any other contact.
Please 'Favorite' this page as it contains lots of important information for exhibitors. Below please find information relative to:
VENUE INFORMATION ~ The Hampshire Dome, The Rim Sports Complex, Capital City Sports Complex, etc.
Once you read through all the important information below, please use the APPLICATION tab located on the top menu bar on our website to apply.
All exhibitors must agree to and abide by the following guidelines upon acceptance into any and all events sponsored by GNE Events, LLC.
You are applying to a show(s) as you plan to attend the show if approved.
Participation in previous shows/festivals does not guarantee you a spot.
We reply to EVERY applicant.
Do check spam often as our emails randomly land there.
Please do not contact us prior to 2 weeks from the date you submit your application. If you haven't heard from us by then, check spam and then reach out via email if necessary.
We are seeking high quality, well made products only.
Shows are held rain, shine or snow for indoor and outdoor shows.
To keep our shows interesting, creative and ensure a diversity of wares and products we limit acceptance by category. Categories are highly competitive and prior participation does not ensure continued acceptance.
GNE Craft & Artisan Shows uses email to communicate lots of important show and application information. Please be sure to provide us with your current email address on the application. Please double and triple check!
The week of the show, accepted booth renters will receive additional information with set-up details and instructions.
Staggered set-up times will be available on the Friday prior to the show beginning at 1pm. Set-up times will be assigned. You will be asked to request a set-up time, while every attempt is made to honor your first choice, we cannot guarantee it. We strongly encourage booth renters to set-up Friday as Saturday move-in will be limited.
Coffee for exhibitors will be available on Saturday and Sunday morning at a heavily discounted rate (supplemented by GNE).
Porters (dependent on availability) will be on site to assist with load in and out.
Sorry- carts are not provided- please bring your own.
Various sized booths spaces available
Extensive Marketing to include social media, flyers, radio, paid email blasts, outdoor signage & print ads
We strongly suggest applying early as spaces are NOT held or guaranteed from year to year. Our shows fill fast.
GNE shows are for Handmade products (*by yourself) & Specialty Foods EXCLUSIVELY!! This event is juried and intended for Artists, Artisans, Musicians, Authors, Craftspeople and Specialty Food Makers who create the products they display and sell in their booths. No Direct Sales (such as Avon, MD, Tupperware, etc..) for our Craft & Artisan Shows. Visit for a chance to participate in one of our Food Truck Festivals.
Only those products listed on your application and those product photos submitted will be allowed to be offered at your booth.
You agree to participate the length of the show. Some shows are a single day while most are two days. Please refer to the application for show dates and times.
You may not share a booth with another exhibitor.
Electricity at the booths is available for an additional fee. Standard electric is one outlet (300 watts). The Fire Marshall will inspect and enforce electrical requirements set forth by the town. Inspection is scheduled to begin at 9:00am on the first show day.
ALL exhibitors are required to be at their booths at least one hour prior to opening time. Failure to arrive timely will result in booth forfeiture.
Tables and chairs are available for rent please indicate any of these needs on your application. Otherwise, we assume you will bring your own tables, chairs, linens and fixtures.
We ask that you do not sell or offer baked goods unless you are categorized as a specialty foods booth.
No playing your own music at your booth without approval by GNE Director
All exhibitors must remain for the entire show and booths are not allowed to be broken down prior to the end of the show. Not a minute early! Staff takes notice and you will not be accepted back if you break down early.
You must be at your booth no later than a hour prior to show opening. Each booth will be inspected for proper electrical hook up, compliance with town fire rules (rules will be forwarded upon acceptance) and town health requirements.
All booth renters are to park in the designated area. NO EXCEPTIONS. Free overnight parking is offered for dry-RV/van/cars, etc at most locations. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance to future shows. Plenty of on-site parking free of charge to all booth renters and customers.
A 5’ x 10' space is a 10x10 booth divided down the middle (5' is the frontage- across the front). See application for additional space offerings and pricing.
You are submitting an application with the intent to attend if accepted. Upon acceptance you will be asked to submit a non-refundable $100 deposit. Deposits must be received within 7 days or your space will be forfeited. This is a new rule to be enforced! We will no longer follow up with vendors to determine participation. Lack of deposit will result in forfeiture of space if not communicated.
Your booth display must be contained within your own booth rented space with nothing in the aisles or overflowing into another's space.
Entering and exiting your booth space should be exclusively through the assigned booth space rather than through neighboring exhibits. This guideline is essential to ensure a smooth flow of foot traffic, minimize disruptions for neighboring exhibitors, and maintain a professional atmosphere.
Electricity is limited but available for an additional fee. As are Corner Spaces (2 open booth sides).
Each booth renter is responsible for keeping their rented space free from any dangerous conditions that might cause injury to persons coming in their area or damage to property.
For outdoor shows, a tent with a backwall are required. You must provide your own tent, backwalls and weights. GNE, Staff and Venue management reserve the right to ask a exhibitor to leave if they do not provide weights for their tent. This can create dangerous conditions for other exhibitors and customers, and cause damage to products.
It is the exhibitor's responsibility to collect and pay any applicable sales tax.
Displays must be professional, clean and safe. Coverings must be fabric, wrinkle free and hang down at least three sides of the table (front and sides). Customers should not see the items stored under your tables. Cardboard boxes and containers should not be visible at the booth. Depending on the venue, there may be storage space off the show footprint to store items, be mindful of exits please. If storage space is available it will be communicated prior to the show.
No open flame permitted.
No car batteries or power packs that are not UL listed permitted indoors.
All booths and items must be removed from the venue within 6 hours of the show ending.
Only items that a booth renter has been juried for may be exhibited and sold. PROVIDE PHOTOS OF ALL OF YOUR PRODUCTS please!
Applicants selling products that are consumed (personal care products, candles, lotions, food, etc) are required to submit a Certificate of Insurance as follows:
GNE Events, LLC
510 Daniel Webster Highway -
Suite 151 }| Merrimack, NH (COI's are free from your insurance company)
Specialty Food Booths- ensure your Safe Serve certificate or like documents are at your booth during the show. A health inspector will be scheduled to perform a walk through the first day of the show. If any additional permitting is needed, we will communicate as such. For Milford, NH, Hampton, NH, Kittery, ME, Derry, NH and Durham, NH no further permitting is required. Concord, NH and other venues we will let you know what additional is required. Please do not call the town's as we are the point person.
The show promoter (dba GNE Events, LLC), staff and Venue management reserve the right to remove any products from a booth deemed offensive.
Any orders placed at the show must be filled in a timely manner.
To ensure a seamless and professional presentation for all exhibitors, nearly all booths will come equipped with an 8' drape backdrop which is rented by GNE. To maintain a cohesive and uniform appearance throughout the venue, we kindly request that you refrain from covering the provided drape or sides of your booth space with any additional materials (to include but not limited to flags, drapes, curtains or like). Professional, light weighted signs are permitted. The rented drapes for a backdrop and open booth sided are specifically chosen to enhance the overall aesthetics of the event, and adhering to this guideline will contribute to a visually appealing and organized exhibition space. Additionally, We need to ensure all exhibitors have a fair and equal opportunity to sell without interference of opinions, politics or like. Thank you.
If you plan to use a tent frame indoors, we need to know.
All of our venues offer an easy move-in and move-out! Ground level...several points of entry.
Booth sitters are usually available- contact information will be provided the week of the show
GNE Events (dba The Great New England Craft & Artisan Shows) reserves the right to amend and/or add to the applicable rules pertaining to and governing this show at any time prior to the commencement of said show. Additions or amendments will be circulated to exhibitors in writing. The interpretation of all rules by the promoters shall be final
We expect all Exhibitors promote this event to the best of their ability, by hanging posters, posting on social media using the #greatnecraftartisanshows hastag, email blasting your network, inviting on our Facebook event page, etc. However, we ask that your DO NOT create your own Event page for this event. Please share ours and feel free to post to it
Your booth space should be left clean. Carry in and Carry out trash. Vendors are not permitted to leave boxes, paper, food, broken equipment or trash of any kind on the ground or around booth spaces. The trash cans are NOT to be used for vendor trash nor boxes. Your space will be inspected after you leave the event. If your space has been left a mess, there will be a $100 fine assessed and you will not be asked back.
By uploading photos to the application you agree that they may be used for marketing purposes. We may also use your facebook page or website to obtain and use photos for marketing show purposes. If you would rather us not use your photos- please send an email request to informing us that we should not use your photos for marketing
GNE Events, LLC reserves the right to make changes and add to these guidelines. Any modifications will be communicated via email to approved applicants.
GNE and staff reserve the right to not invite an exhibitor back for the violation of Show rules and/or unprofessional behavior.
Please take a few moments to scroll below to the venue of show interest to learn more about the venue.
We ask that you agree to the terms noted above and agree to not hold the promoter, promotor staff nor owners or managers of the venue responsible for loss or damage of exhibitors’ wares, exhibits, or personal property or for loss or injury caused by products sold or exhibited by exhibitors directly or through warranty express or implied. Insurance for such loss, damages or injury will be your (applicant/exhibitor) sole responsibility. (please agree to all terms as requested on our show application)
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these terms, as it plays a pivotal role in fostering a positive and efficient environment for all participants and guests. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to our event coordination team at
We do not charge an application fee and there is no need to send payment until asked to do. If accepted you will be instructed how to submit a $100 non-refundable deposit (per show) to reserve your booth space. Final payment will be due 30 days prior to the show.
Failure to submit your $100 deposit within 7 days of acceptance OR your final payment 30 days prior to the show will result in booth forfeiture.
A $50 collection fee will be assessed on any returned checks.
To ensure payments are applied to the appropriate show please note which show the payment should be applied to on the transaction or check. Thank you!
The $100 show deposit is non-refundable.
No refunds will be issued for no shows or those that have to cancel as noted below.
If a participant has to cancel and the cancellation occurs between acceptance and 30 days of the show and the booth space can be filled with a like product, the applicant will receive a credit for the amount paid (less the $100 non-refundable deposit) to a future show.
If a participant has to cancel and the cancellation occurs within 30 days of the show, the full amount paid is non-refundable.
If the venue or promoter has to cancel the show there is NO REFUND GUARANTEE as advertising, venue fees and other show expenses will have been paid. We do however, do our best to be fair and will make every attempt for some type of credit towards a future show. Shows are held rain, shine or snow IF deemed safe for our participants and customers. Decisions are not made lightly and ALL attempts will be made to host the show, however, in the case of dangerous weather (thunder, lightning, high winds, heavy rain for outdoors shows) we reserve the right to postpone the show or cancel.
Categories are endless - here are some examples -Antiques, Accessories, Apparel, Art, Author, Baskets, Candles, Ceramic, Clocks, Adult Clothing, Chocolate, Children's Clothing, Country Wood, Decorative Painting, Dolls, Beauty Products/Health, Home Decor, Eggs, Entertainers, Fabric Fiber, Fleece/Yarn, Floral, Folk Art, Furniture, Glass, Jewelry, Lamps, Leather, Metal, Mixed Media, Music, Ornaments, Paper goods (napkins/cards), Personal Care, Pet Products, Photography, Pottery, Puzzles, Games, Quilts/Cloths/Fabrics, Shell Craft, Slate, Specialty Food/Wine, Stone, Tole Painting, Toys, Wood, Wool and Other- if OTHER- please simply explain.
If you prefer to mail your application and photos:
MAIL you application & photos to
GNE Events, LLC
510 DW Highway
Suite 151
Merrimack, NH 03054
*** Jody is the only contact for GNE Events***
To stay up to date on show information and to see photos from past shows:
GNE will be hosting three (3) events at The Hampshire Dome in 2025:
April 12 & 13 ~ 6th Annual Fine Spring Craft Show
Aug 2 & 3 ~ 8th Annual Southern NH Food Truck Festival
October 18 & 19 ~ 9th Annual Fine Fall Craft & Artisan Show
The Hampshire Dome is located at 34 Emerson Road in Milford, NH. Conveniently located just of Rte 101- 20 minutes from the Manchester airport and minutes to the Mass border. Hampshire Hills Athletic Club is located next door to the Dome
The Dome is an air supported 94,000sq ft structure without any beams or poles. Ceiling height is 78'
Easy load in and out with 5 points of entry including a large garage door!
The Hampshire Dome and Hampshire Hills Athletic Club is a smoke free facility and campus.
The amazing venue offers Free WiFi. A designated line will be established and access information provided ahead of move in
No gum, confetti, popcorn, duct tape, silly string or like is permitted on the turf fields
No pets or animals allowed
ATM on site (venue owned)
Cafe and/or a Food truck(s) will offer lunch. You will have an option to pre-order and have lunch ready for pick up at a predetermined time.
Overnight security provided (staffed overnight with several video cameras). No need to break down booth overnight.
All booths are located in one large exhibitor space. The space is situated on a turf playing surface. All CENTER booths will have pipe & drape curtains behind them (8' tall-either white or black for FALL OCTOBER SHOW or blue and white for SPRING APRIL SHOW). Approved exhibitors will receive their booth space number the week of the show.
Load in for the Dome will be staggered on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning of the show. More details provided the week of the show.
See show application for additional details.
GNE will be hosting two (2) shows at The Rim Sports Complex in 2025:
March 8/9 ~ 3rd Annual Specialty Food & Craft Show (with added St Patty's Day fun!)
November 22/23 ~ 6th Annual Fine Holiday Craft & Artisan Show on the Seacoast!
The Rim Sports Complex
311 Winnacunnet Rd Hampton, NH
MINUTES to the beach, Rye, Salisbury and Massachusettes and conveniently located just of Rte 101 and I95.
THE RIM SPORTS COMPLEX contains 5 Indoor, well lit basketball courts. The courts are made of a rubber, sport court material.
The amazing venue offers Free WiFi. A designated line will be established and access information provided ahead of move in
No gum, confetti, popcorn, duct tape, silly string or like is permitted on the show floor
No pets or animals allowed
Easy load in and out with 5 points of entry including a large garage door!
Cafe and/or a Food truck(s) will offer lunch. You will have an option to pre-order and have lunch ready for pick up or delivered to booth at a predetermined time.
Venue Security: GNE Promoter is the last person to leave the facility in the evening and first to enter in the morning. There are multiple video cameras inside and outside the venue. No need to break down booth overnight.
All booths are located in one large exhibitor space. The space is situated a Sports Court rubber like surface. All CENTER booths will have pipe & drape curtains behind them (8' tall-either white and/or red for our HOLIDAY NOVEMBER SHOW or green and/or white for SPRING MARCH SHOW). Approved exhibitors will receive their booth space number the week of the show.
Load in for The Rim will be staggered on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning of the show. More details provided the week of the show.
GNE will be hosting two (2) shows at Capital City Sports in 2025:
March 15 & 16 ~ Spring Craft & Specialty Food Show (with added St Patty's Day fun!)
November 8 & 9 ~ Capital City Fine Holiday Craft & Artisan Show
The newly renovated
Capital City Sports & Fitness Complex
(under new ownership and management)
70,000sq ft venue consisting of 5 basketball courts and more!
The courts are covered with a soft yoga mat top. Soft on the feet!
Capital City Sports is located at 10 Garvins Falls Road in Concord, NH
Easy travel - Exit 13 just off I93.
Several load in doors~ all ground level
Friday move in option, in addition to Saturday morning
Booth Sitters
The amazing venue offers Free WiFi. A designated line will be established and access information provided ahead of move in
No gum, confetti, popcorn, duct tape, silly string or like is permitted on the show floor
No pets or animals allowed
Cafe and/or a Food truck(s) will offer lunch. You will have an option to pre-order and have lunch ready for pick up or delivered to booth at a predetermined time.
Venue Security: GNE Promoter is the last person to leave the facility in the evening and first to enter in the morning. There are multiple video cameras inside and outside the venue. No need to break down booth overnight.
All booths are located in one large exhibitor space. The space is situated a Sports Court rubber like surface. All booths will have pipe & drape curtains behind them (8' tall-either white and/or red for our HOLIDAY NOVEMBER SHOW or green and/or white for SPRING MARCH SHOW). Approved exhibitors will receive their booth space number the week of the show.
Load in for Capital City will be staggered on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning of the show. More details provided the week of the show.
Artisans, Craftsmen and Specialty Food Makers should email us at to be added to our Exhibitor email list